What is an email recipients quota and how to spend it

IN THIS ARTICLE: You'll find out more about email recipients and how you will be charged for sending emails to your prospects. 

What is an email recipients quota

Recipient is a prospect or an email address you send your emails to.

Email recipients quota is the number of recipients issued to your account balance with every plan. 

It means the number of prospects or email addresses you can send an email to during one billing period.

Email recipients quota resets at the end of every billing period and is renewed according to your plan.

 Plan  Recipients quota
Trial 100 email recipients
Starter 5000 email recipients
Pro 5K 10000 email recipients
Pro 20K 20000 email recipients
Pro 50K 50000 email recipients
Pro 100K 100000 email recipients

Spending your recipients

Recipients can be spent on sending emails to a list of prospects using our Email Drip Campaigns tool, or sending emails to an individual prospect via their profile.

Tool  Use case Recipient cost Help resource to get started 
Email Drip Campaigns

*available on all plans

Send automated email sequences to a list of prospects.  

1 recipient for each prospect you send an email to during one billing period.

It is charged only for the first email you send.

Free for all follow-ups from the same campaign (as well as for emails in new campaigns) to that prospect during the same billing period.

If you send an email to the same prospect during the next billing period, it will charge 1 recipient again.

1 recipient to send a test email.

Read how to launch your email campaign ⇒
Prospect management page

*available on all plans

Send an email to a specific prospect from your list. 1 recipient for the first email you send to a prospect.

All follow-ups (as well as emails in new campaigns) during the same billing period are free.

If you send an email to the same prospect during the next billing period, it will charge 1 recipient again.

Read how to manage a prospect's profile and send single emails ⇒

Up next:

Read about a credit quota and how to spend it ⇒

Have more questions? Don’t hesitate to contact us at help@snov.io or via live chat. 

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