How to open console or network details in your browser

If you encounter any issues with broken or inactive interface elements (buttons, toolbars, links, etc) or any kind of misbehaving in your interface, checking the browser console or network details for errors is the first step in troubleshooting these issues.

While reporting an issue to our support team, you may be asked for screenshots which include the error for future troubleshooting. 

Here’s how to retrieve the required information to facilitate issue resolution:

How to open browser console

The browser console will provide information about any errors that could have caused the issue. 

To open the console details in most browsers (Chrome, Firefox, Edge): 

  • Right-click anywhere on the page
  • Click the Inspect option 
  • Select Console tab at the top

Next, take a screenshot of the error message to share it with our support team. 

Note: you may need to repeat the action in your account which failed to log an error to the console. 

How to open browser network

Your browser’s network information may provide vital details on any internet connection errors that may be affecting your account. 

To open the network details in most browsers (Chrome, Firefox, Edge): 

  • Right-click anywhere on the page
  • Click the Inspect option 
  • Select Network tab at the top

After switching to the Network tab, you may need to reload the page to log the network activity. 

Next, take a screenshot of the error message to share it with our support team. 

If you run into any issues, please let us know via live support chat or at and send error screenshots so we can troubleshoot more efficiently. 

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