How to find company contacts and emails with Domain Search tool

With the Domain Search tool, you can get email addresses and prospects associated with a specific domain and save company profiles to your companies list. 

General info:

It costs 1 credit to search a domain and view company profile page.

For 1 credit you can add 50 domain emails to your list. 

Here’s our tutorial on how to use it: 

Open Domain Search tool

On the left-side menu, go to Find Leads and choose Domain Search

Search a domain

Enter the name of the website or company into the search bar, and then click the Search button.

Review company profile

Once the search is completed, you will see the company profile page with additional info about the company.

Save it to your companies list to get back to it later if necessary.

Save prospects and emails

Scroll below and find tabs with company prospects and emails. 

If you have less than 1 credit on your balance, you’ll see a notice with a number of available contacts on this company page. 

  • Prospects

Here you can find and save company contacts with additional prospect info such as name and position.

Select necessary contacts or All on page and click the Add to list button.

Use position filter to find contacts by a specific role in a company.

Each page on Prospects tab contains 20 profiles. Scroll below and click Load 20 more.

Each prospect profile costs an additional 1 credit and runs through verification once you add it.

  • All Domain Emails

This tab contains all domain-based email addresses, generic and personal. 

Domain emails don’t run through verification. You’ll need to verify them for 1 credit each after saving.

On the initial screen you’ll get 50 emails. Scroll down and click Show more to reveal 50 more emails. Please note that every next 50 emails costs 1 credit

Show more option is available for premium plan users. 

If you have multiple domains, you can use the Bulk Domain Search tool to search for email addresses in bulk. Learn how to use it here.
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