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How to set up x Pipedrive integration v2.0

This article introduces the newest version of the x Pipedrive integration.

We'll point out the main improvements compared to the older version and walk you through the setup process.

Step 1: Connect the integration

Step 2: Choose the integration direction

Step 3: Configure data exchange settings

Step 4: Set up constant fields

Step 5: Set up automations

Step 6: Transfer unsynced data

Step 7: Manage data conflicts

What's new in the integration's integration with Pipedrive has been upgraded to become more versatile and useful for you. 

These new enhancements let you synchronize data between the two apps and simplify how you manage your leads.

How it helps you: Saving time by letting the integration handle routine tasks for you.

You can easily set up and automate various lead management tasks, where an activity in (like email sent) triggers an action in Pipedrive (like a deal creation).

How it helps you: Copying prospect data between both databases -- from to Pipedrive and vice versa.

Now, you can transfer your prospects to Pipedrive for deal management and your Pipedrive contacts to for email campaigns.

How it helps you: Copying all pre-existing data to integrate past records into your current workflow.

Having this option in your arsenal, you can enrich both your databases with leads you collected in either app before the integration was set up.

Step 1: Connect the integration

Let’s begin by creating a connection between and your Pipedrive account.

Go to your account settings.

Open the Integrations page.

Click Connect under the Pipedrive section.


For users who have connected the older integration version:

You may notice that the integration status was changed to Paused automatically.

This is because the newer integration version uses the OAuth method instead of an API token to establish a connection.

To access the latest integration features and resume the integration, please reconnect it using the new method.

On the Integrations page, click Reconnect under Pipedrive. 

Next, the Pipedrive’s sign in page will open.

Select the required Pipedrive account for the integration and click Choose accounts.

If you are already logged into your Pipedrive account, it will be automatically authorized here. Click Continue to app to proceed.

On the next screen, look through the app permissions required for the integration.

Click Connect app to agree and proceed.

Note: Please be aware that at this point, the integration is not yet activated and will be in Paused status.


Step 2: Choose the integration direction

You'll return to your account, where the integration settings page will open.

In this step, we'll walk you through the integration parameters, so you confidently set them up to suit your preferences.

Let’s begin with a brief overview of how data exchange works.

The integration allows you to sync information between applications in your preferred direction.

In a two-way integration, data changes made in either app are reflected and copied to the other app. Both apps will exchange the information with each other.

In a one-way integration, data changes in the source app are reflected in the recipient app, but changes in the recipient app don't affect the source app. The source app is the one sending the data, and the recipient app is the one receiving data.

Choose the data exchange direction by choosing the integration type — from one app to another or between both apps.

  1. Data syncs only to Pipedrive: Transfer data from to Pipedrive. Reflect changes made to the data in 
  2. Data syncs only to Transfer data from Pipedrive to Reflect changes made to the data in Pipedrive.
  3. Data syncs between apps: Transfer data in both directions—from to Pipedrive and from Pipedrive to Reflect changes made to the data in both accounts.
Note: The default is set to Two-way integration, meaning both apps exchange and update information whenever there's a change in either database.


Step 3: Configure data exchange settings

In the Field mapping section, you’ll set up custom parameters for the data exchange.

1) Sync to list:


First, select the list where you want to store contacts from Pipedrive.

This parameter is a must – a chosen list will be the one receiving data from Pipedrive.

2) Select Pipedrive user:

Choose a Pipedrive user here to be the Owner of contacts synced from 

This parameter helps to assign the person responsible for managing new contacts as they are transferred to Pipedrive.

3) Sync from lists:


Choose the lists here that will participate in the integration.

This parameter allows you to select the exact lists for transferring data and exclude the others that you don’t want to transfer to Pipedrive.

Click on All lists to deselect or select all prospect lists.

To sync prospects from specific lists only, make sure that you select only the required lists.

Note: By default, all your lists that are already created or will be created are included in the integration.


4) Map fields:


Next, you'll set up field mappings. Field mapping helps customize and enrich data exchange during the integration.

It means matching fields with the corresponding Pipedrive fields that will share the data with one another. 

For example, information from the First name field is sent to the corresponding First name field in the other app.

Below are the default pairs of fields mapped between and Pipedrive.

Note: Grayed-out fields represent system field mappings and cannot be changed or removed.

You can add extra fields for data exchange as needed.

To add field mapping:

Click +Add a field. 

First, choose a field from the drop-down list on the left.


To complete the mapping, choose the corresponding Pipedrive field on the right. You must do this before adding the next mapping.

Both fields must share the same data type – you can only map a Text type field with another Text type field.


To undo a mapping:

Click the trash icon next to the row of mapped fields. Removing the mapping won't delete the custom field itself.

Set additional data exchange settings

At the bottom of the field mapping section, you'll find additional parameters for data exchange.

1) Include email communication history

Emails sent to prospects through campaigns will show up in Pipedrive's contact Activities tab as completed tasks.

The synced data includes the email content and its activity status (opened, replied, clicked, etc.).

2) Only sync prospects with email addresses 

By default, only prospects with an email address in their profile will be transferred to avoid duplicates.

If you disable this option, there might be duplicates because the integration checks for them using the email address.

Note: When Pipedrive contacts enter lists, their email status is unverified.

If the validity of the contacts is uncertain, make sure to verify your list to confirm the email addresses are active and valid.

Step 4: Set up constant fields (optional)

In this section, you'll set up constant parameters.

A constant is a custom field that holds the same information (constant value) for every prospect or contact.

This helps you identify the contact's source (origin) after it has been transferred to the other app.

You'll add a constant for one app in a one-way integration and for both apps in a two-way integration.

To add a constant:

From the Constant field menu, choose a custom field from the drop-down list.

In the Constant value field, enter the text that will be added to the selected custom field, such as "from" or "from Pipedrive".

During the data transfer, a constant field with a specified value will be added to each contact.

Step 5: Set up automations (optional)

This feature is available with both two-way integration and one-way integration from to Pipedrive.

In this last section, you’ll set up scenarios to automatically perform routine tasks in your Pipedrive account.

You can create deals, move them through pipeline stages as prospects engage, and add records to the contact’s activity timeline.

Note: This step is optional, and you can proceed to launch the integration. However, setting this up now can save your valuable time in the future.


Automations work by linking an event to an action: when an event (trigger) occurs in, the corresponding action takes place in Pipedrive.

Triggers refer to activities within your account. The available triggers are listed below. 

To add an automation:

Activate a trigger using the toggle button. 

Select the corresponding Pipedrive action and its required parameters (like pipeline and stage for a deal).

Click +Add another action to add more actions.

Note: You can create up to 24 automation scenarios using 6 triggers and 4 Pipedrive actions. They will be performed in the specific order you add them.


Default Pipedrive actions are the same for all triggers, and you can reuse them in different automations. However, you cannot use the action more than once with the same trigger.

You can turn off, edit, or remove automations at any time during the integration.

Pipedrive actions list

Create a deal A new deal will be created for a contact in Pipedrive when a chosen event happens in

The deal will be titled with the prospect's name, like "John Smith deal."Required parameter: Select a pipeline in Pipedrive.
Move the deal to a specific stage If there’s an Active deal (all except Won or Lost) found for the contact in Pipedrive, it will be moved to the selected stage of the chosen pipeline.

If no deals are found for this contact, the action cannot be performed.

Required parameters: Select a pipeline and a stage. 

Move the deal to the next stage If there’s an Active deal (all except Won or Lost) found for the contact in Pipedrive, it will be advanced to the next stage within its current pipeline.

If no active deals are found for this contact, the action cannot be performed.

Add an activity to a contact This action creates a new task for the Pipedrive’s contact when a chosen event (trigger) happens in

You can apply this action to several automations and create multiple tasks for the same Pipedrive contact.

For example, you can create new tasks, when a prospect opens an email or replies.

Remember: By default, the integration moves email communication history to contact’s Activities timeline in Pipedrive as Done tasks.


Activities recorded through automations will be created as active tasks. Mark them as Done manually as you complete them.

The tasks will be due on the same day as the automation is executed.

Required parameter: Specify the task’s name/description. 


An automation example: [Trigger] Campaign email sent → [Action] Create a deal → [Action] Move the deal to a specific stage → [Action] Add an activity to a contact.


How it works:

After an activity in (campaign email sent) --> a deal is created in Pipedrive in the chosen pipeline --> Then, the deal is moved to the selected stage --> Finally, a new active task is created for the Pipedrive contact.

Launch the integration

The integration is nearly ready to go—fantastic work!

Take a moment to review the settings, and when you're ready, click Launch at the bottom of the page.

Upon the initial launch, we'll recommend transferring unsynced data.

Continue reading to understand more about this process.

Step 6: Transfer unsynced data (manual sync)

This process is optional. If you wish to skip it for now, click Not now.

You can use manual sync to move the data you collected before setting up the integration.

How this helps you: Besides syncing data in real-time, you can enrich your database by transferring existing prospects/contacts from one app to another.


To proceed, select the direction for the data transfer:

Option 1: from to Pipedrive;

This copies all your existing prospects into Pipedrive.

Option 2: from Pipedrive to;

This copies all your existing Pipedrive contacts into

Click the Next button to proceed.

Step 7: Manage data conflicts

In the upcoming window, choose how to deal with potential data conflicts when a duplicate is detected during manual sync.

What is “duplicate”: 

Prospects are compared based on their email addresses during the data transfer. 

Duplicates are the two profiles who share the same email address.

What is “data conflict”:

A data conflict occurs when there is a difference in at least one other field between duplicates.

What is “source app”:

To resolve data conflicts, there’s a “source app” parameter.

Data from the source (sender) app will have a priority and will overwrite the data in the recipient (receiver) app when a duplicate is found.

This helps to update duplicates with the relevant information from your primary database.

For example, if your source app is, duplicates found in Pipedrive will be updated with’s data.

Remember: Manual sync will follow the Field mapping settings you specified in the integration settings.


Click the dropdown menu and select the source app. 

By default, the source app is the one sending data based on the sync direction you’ve chosen.

Click Start transfer to begin the data sync.

Note: During the manual sync, the integration will be in the Syncing status and won't synchronize data changes in real-time.

The time it takes for the data transfer depends on the size of your database.

Once the manual sync is done, it switches to Active status and starts real-time data syncing.


You've successfully completed the integration setup. In the final chapter, let's quickly go over what you can do post-launch.

Post-launch settings

After launching the integration, you can control and adjust it from the settings page.

Here's what you can do:

1) Change integration status

You can stop real-time syncing by selecting Paused and restart it by choosing Active.

When the integration is paused, it won't transfer any data in real-time. Use the Manual sync option to transfer the unsynced data.

2) Manual sync

This option remains available even after the launch. You can use it if you initially skipped or want to redo the data transfer in the opposite direction.

Click Transfer unsynced data to initiate the manual sync.

3) Change integration settings

Feel free to modify the settings at any point during the integration to match your preferences.

You can change every major parameter, including data sync direction, field mapping, and automation settings.

Once you make changes to the integration settings, real-time syncing will restart based on the new configurations.

To apply the new settings to data that was previously synced, use the Transfer unsynced data option.

4) Refresh

In the integration settings, the list of fields, pipelines, and stages includes everything created before setting up the integration.

If you made changes or additions to any of these in your or Pipedrive after starting the integration, use the Refresh button to load the updates into the integration settings.


When you resume the integration after a pause, you might encounter a Connection failed error.

This happens when there are incomplete settings or missing required parameters.

To resume the integration, check the settings page for any issues highlighted in red and fix them.

If you have any questions that weren't covered here, feel free to reach out to our Customer Care team. You can contact us via email at or through live chat. 

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