How to connect to almost any app via Integromat (now Make)


One cannot argue that a modern sales rep or marketer is using at least a few tools to organize their flow of work, and it can be a time waster to manually transfer necessary information between different platforms. This is where automated integrations come in.

We’d like to introduce integration with Make, which has the potential to save you the hassle of manual data migration and save your precious time.

What is Integromat (Make) 

Integromat (now Make) is a user-friendly automation platform with a visual builder that lets you move data between apps and create automation scenarios. 

Using integration with Make, you can now connect your account to a variety of your favorite tools to automate repetitive tasks and streamline your workflow.

How to set up integration with Integromat (Make) integration with Make has 10 modules available to incorporate into automation scenarios with other apps.

Modules are the main building blocks of automation in Make. They represent actions and events performed in an automation scenario. 

There are three types of modules available:

  • Action: performs an action (Add Emails for Verification, Add Names to Find Emails, Change a Recipient’s Status, Make an API Call)
  • Search: performs a search for emails or prospects (Search Prospects, Search Emails, Get Emails Verification Status)
  • Trigger: triggers an action when a chosen event happens (Watch Email Opened//Replied, Watch Link Clicked)

Here’s a quick step-by-step guide on how to sync your account with Make and create your first custom automation workflow: 

Step 1. Sign up with Make

Create a free Make account on their official website.

Step 2. Open scenario builder interface

Click   button in the top right corner of the account dashboard.

Step 3. Find 

Click the +  button, find in the list of available apps, and select the integration module you need. 

Step 4. Connect to Make

Click the Add button to create a new connection to

  • In the Connection name field, enter a name for it. 
  • In the API User ID and API Secret fields, copy and paste their values from the API tab in your account.

Step 5. Create your automation scenario

Specify the required details for the integration module you’ve chosen on Step 3 (we’ll use Watch Email Replied trigger as an example):

  1. Connection: connection we’ve set up earlier is chosen by default. 
  2. Campaign ID: from a dropdown list, select a campaign to track replies from. 
  3. Limit: set the maximum number of results (replies Make should push to the next module during one execution cycle).

Let’s imagine that you need to create a new contact record in your CRM every time you get a new reply to your email sent with

To do this, click Add another module, choose an app or a service to connect to (we’ll use HubSpot CRM as an example), and select Create a Record action. Based on this template, Make will create a new contact in HubSpot CRM after it registers incoming replies in

Now add a new connection to a chosen app.

Map the required fields for this module and click OK.

Note: Learn more about mapping in this article.

Click the Save icon in the controls menu to save your scenario.

Step 6. Run your scenario

To execute the scenario at once, click the Run once button in the bottom-left corner. 

If you want to automate the scenario, set a schedule and let the automation work for you!

Integration use case examples

Now that you’ve learned how to connect to your favorite apps and create automation scenarios, here are some examples of what you can do using x Integromat integration:

  • Update a HubSpot contact when your recipient clicks a link from email

Run this scenario to update a record in HubSpot every time your link in Drip Campaign email is clicked.

  • Share new campaign replies from to a Slack or Telegram channel

Post a message to your team’s chat in Telegram or Slack each time your email gets replied to in 

  • Enrich new Pipedrive persons with email addresses

Whenever you add a new person to your Pipedrive CRM but don’t know their email address, use this scenario to update the person’s profile through the Search Emails action.


  • Add a note to your contact in Agile when your email is opened

Update your contacts in Agile CRM when your recipients open emails sent from Email Drip Campaign.

With x Integromat integration, you’ll be able to automate manual tasks within your sales process and dedicate your time to communicating with prospects and closing deals. 

Explore other integrations for ideas on how to integrate additional tools or connect your app via API to create a cohesive sales ecosystem.

Upgrade your plan now to get access to x Integromat integration!

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