Cold email

Lead generation can be frustrating if you’re a small enterprise or a sales team just cutting your teeth in the market. You’re often up against limited resources and lack the budget for big-name marketing strategies your larger competitors use.

Amidst this, cold emailing emerges as a viable, cost-effective solution. But is it effective? 

An obvious problem is when your team is trying to generate leads through cold emails and isn’t succeeding. It takes precious time and resources away from you, which could be better spent elsewhere. 

But here’s the other side of the coin: with over 4 billion daily email users, each checking their inboxes regularly, thousands of them could be potentially interested in what you have to offer. You just need to know which doors (inboxes) to knock on. 

Instead of sending out tons of emails to random people, the best cold emails are well-researched, personalized, and offer value to the reader. Yet, the most important thing is how to knock!

Hang tight, we’ll explore some key tips and strategies about cold emailing in this piece.

Understanding cold emails

What is a cold email? 

A cold email is an unsolicited email sent to someone without prior contact. It’s commonly used for business purposes, like reaching out to potential clients or partners. The goal is to start a conversation, establish relationships, and explore collaboration or sales opportunities. Crafting personalized and relevant messages that respect the recipient’s time and interests is crucial for effective cold emailing.

Is cold emailing worth the investment?

The term “cold email” might trigger thoughts about the “cold phone call.” While the concepts might seem very much alike, in reality, emails are much less intrusive. And this is just one of the many reasons more and more businesses are leaning towards this channel to acquire and nurture leads. 

In fact, 86% of professionals today prioritize cold email, particularly given the global email traffic that has skyrocketed to 347 billion emails per day and continues to surge. This is what makes cold emailing so popular and commonly used for generating leads and as the first step in sales outreach. 

89% of marketers use email as their primary channel for generating leads, with 35% of them sending their customers 3-5 emails per week. Over the past year, 78% of marketers saw an increase in email engagement. Interestingly, many of them said they’d rather give up social media than email marketing.

On the other hand, with so many cold emails getting deleted before being read (at least 16% of all emails never make it into the inbox), many small businesses with limited budgets are often reluctant to use this method of attracting new customers. 

If we could read the minds of some small business CEOs, we’d see a list of doubts illuminated in bright letters, as if on a billboard:

  • Should I invest in a cold email campaign, or should I opt for a different marketing tactic to grow my business? Is cold emailing a potent tool for lead generation? I afford to make a mistake – my marketing budget is on the line! 
  • I’ve tried writing cold emails in the past, but I had a very low response rate. Where did I go wrong? When should I follow up with leads who haven’t responded?
  • I think a cold email campaign could attract new customers to my business, but where do I start? How to stand out from hundreds of other emails? Perhaps I need to master the art of writing cold emails first. 

Do any of these inner dialogues resonate with you? Read further to get your answers on how to craft effective cold emails that don’t go off as spam but are opened and read. 

Personalization and relevance are key

Before you dive into the world of crafting irresistible cold emails, grab yourself a cup of coffee, cozy up in your chair, and let’s talk about the three secret ingredients that will make your emails shine. 

And who better to learn from than seasoned sales and marketing pros who’ve walked the walk?


Imagine receiving an email that starts with the dry and impersonal “Dear Sir/Madam.” Yawn, right? Let’s add some zest! Address your recipient by their name and sprinkle in a compliment or two. Show them you’ve done your research and watch their interest skyrocket. 

It’s no surprise that personalized emails have an average open rate of 29.3%, compared to a 22.2% open rate for non-personalized emails.

As an experienced B2B marketer, the most successful cold email campaign I’ve managed had a significant impact due to a blend of factors. Among them, personalization played a pivotal role. Our team conducted thorough research on our prospects to customize each email, not just with the recipient’s name but also by aligning our product’s value proposition with their specific business needs. This strategy significantly increased our open and response rates.

Johannes Larsson, Founder & CEO at Financer


We don’t play the generic game here. Customize your message to fit your target audience’s pain points, goals, and industry. Highlight the value you can offer. Clearly articulate how your product can solve their specific problem or meet their needs. Focus on the benefits rather than just listing features.

Cold emails are the norm in B2B fields, so there is no need to be shy or sugarcoat things in hopes of a better response. It’s best to have a simple, straightforward approach that offers clear benefits to decision-makers. Make sure you have a lot to offer, free of charge or not, because you have to offer something good to succeed with cold emails. 

Michael Maximoff, Co-Founder and Managing Partner at Belkins


We live in an era of shorter attention spans than a goldfish’s memory. So be concise, witty, and leave them yearning for more. Avoid overwhelming the recipient with excessive information – a short, focused email is more likely to be read and responded to. 

We use for our daily email marketing sequence and right prospect hunting, which has resulted in great closed deals. After a lot of experimental and trial basis email campaigns, we only keep the first email we send to be short and precise with a Hook that attracts the reader. A cold email shouldn’t just sound cold. Increase curiosity in the first email and not introduce the service you’re trying to sell.

Marcus Davis, Marketing Manager & Co-founder at Wellyx

So, before you start crafting your best cold email, keep the recipe, incorporate these elements into your cold emails, and watch the business world become your stage!

How to write a compelling cold email

A well-crafted cold email can be a powerful tool, but simply firing off an email without a clear structure or purpose can easily lead to missed opportunities. To ensure your cold email stands out and captures attention, it’s crucial to pay attention to each element and carefully organize your message.

Element 1: From line

Your email “From” name is the first thing a recipient sees when opening their inbox. And with 42% of people claiming they check the sender name first to decide whether to open an email, it should instill trust and look solid. 

cold email subject like

To make yourself look trustworthy enough to convince the recipient, you can do a few things: 

Establish a direct association with your company or product

This will be an instant reminder of what the cold email is about. You can use your personal name, but don’t use it alone. Some of the most popular combos are:

  • Holly from [Company Name]
  • Kele at [Company Name]
  • [Company Name]

Keep the sender name short

Most mobile devices and computers only display up to 30 characters. Anything longer will be cut off, and your clients simply won’t see it.

Don’t change the sender name too often

It may confuse recipients and damage the trust you’ve gained. If you absolutely have to, it’s better to switch between the options we’ve offered above, saving the logical link with the company’s name. 

Don’t send sales emails from a “no-reply” address

No-reply should be used strictly for transactional, verification, change-your-password emails, and the like. Your email “From” address is your lead’s only means of contacting you after the cold email. Leave it open for communication.

Ensure the sender name is similar to the sender email address

This should go without saying, but make sure your cold email from Kate is not sent from address. 

Consider using a generic sender name

Sometimes, using a generic sender name like “Sales Team” or “Customer Support” can be effective, especially if your email is coming from a shared or departmental mailbox. Actually, the click-to-open and click-through rates for such emails are 26% and 38% higher compared to emails with personalized sender names.  

  • Sales Team from [Company Name]
  • Customer Support at [Company Name]
  • [Company Name] [Department]

By optimizing the From Line in your cold emails, you can establish trust, increase open rates, and create a positive first impression. Remember to align it with your brand and maintain consistency to build recognition and credibility with your recipients.

A cold email subject line affects your open rate the most, with 35% of email recipients claiming they open emails based on the subject line alone. Moreover, recent research shows that nearly 76% of prospects won’t open a cold email if the subject line is not appealing. 

Element 2: Subject line

There are a couple of ways you can create the best subject lines for cold emails. Here’s how:

Keep the subject line short

Don’t forget about mobile optimization – for example, iPhones cut off subject lines over 32 characters. Subject lines under 10 words show a better open rate (0-5 words – 16%, 6-10 words – 21%). Besides, millennials (who are dominating all industries right now) have an attention span below 2 seconds, so make sure your subject line can catch their attention within this time frame.

  • Boost efficiency with our new [Solution]
  • Skyrocket business growth now
  • Exclusive offer: 1 month free trial

Keep the subject line relevant to the email content

If the subject line doesn’t reflect the message inside, it can be seen as misleading. So, if you need to combine multiple points in one email, find a common thread to include in the subject line.

Double-check personalization

62% of emails are opened because of personalized subject lines. Add personalization variables to your cold email subject lines, and always have a plan B in place. For example, in case there’s no name associated with the recipient’s address, add replacement words (like “there” in a “Hey [[NAME]_replacement],” turning it into “Hey there”).

Use the most important words in the beginning

Start with the most significant information so your recipients can see it on any device. 

  • Increase revenue: Meet our new revolutionary [Sales Platform]
  • Unleash productivity: Get access to new [Tech Tools]
  • Cut costs by 25%: Leverage our SaaS platform

Add power and trigger words

Power words trigger an emotional response in people. You can find more in our list of emotional trigger words and phrases that can help your cold email convey an emotion easier and convert faster.

  • Take control of your sales pipeline: Ignite growth with [Tool]
  • Skyrocket your email open rates with [Tool]
  • Last day! 20%+ off and free shipping

Avoid capitalization

This is a rather old and ineffective way to stand out in the recipient’s inbox. A CAPITALIZED subject line, or even a part of it, will look unprofessional and spammy, especially in B2B communication.

Try using emojis

It has been proven that emojis in email subject lines increase the open rate, but only if they fit in. It’s a good idea to use emojis for specific mailings, like the ones dedicated to holidays. However, always make sure emojis will be met positively by your target audience.

  • 🚀 Boost your sales: Get ready for success in 2023
  • 🔒 Enhance security: Protect your business from cyber threats

Don’t start a sentence that will be finished in the email body

Though it may seem intriguing, people prefer not to receive such emails. They try to minimize the time it takes them to check their emails and use subject lines to evaluate whether an email is relevant. 

Avoid spam trigger words

To pass through spam filters, make sure your cold email subject line doesn’t contain spam trigger words. We’ve collected the list of 550+ spam trigger words, so you can check which ones are better not to use. 

Ask questions

Questions encourage recipients to actively engage with the email content and reflect on their own experiences or contemplate the potential benefits of your solution, increasing their interest and motivation to take action. 

  • Struggling with data security? Let’s discuss your challenges
  • Ready to boost customer engagement? How we can assist you
  • Want to save 30% time with [Product]?

While questions can be effective, always consider your target audience and the context of your cold email campaign. Only A/B testing can help determine if question-based subject lines perform better for your specific audience and industry. It’s always a good practice to experiment with different strategies and measure the results to optimize your email performance over time.

A/B test your subject line

In the subject line A/B test, you can create two variations of cold email subject lines and test them with the same or different segments of your target audience to measure their effectiveness in terms of open rates, click-through rates, and conversions. 

As a result, you’ll know for sure, for example, which of the below cold email subject line examples is better perceived by a certain segment of your audience:

  • a) Meet new [Software] to boost sales
  • b) Discover the power of automation: Elevate your operations

This will help you refine your approach for future email campaigns based on the results to achieve the desired outcome of your cold email campaign. By the way, A/B testing email subject lines can increase open rates by 49%

Want more tips and examples of attention-grabbing cold email subject lines? We’ve collected them here for you.

Element 3. Preheader

Preheader is a piece of text visible right after the subject line in your inbox or at the top of the email template when the message is opened. It’s usually either left unused or wildly underused. But by experimenting and optimizing the preheader text, open rates can be boosted by 45%.


Let’s investigate the preheader best practices:

Don’t leave it blank

Or else it will be replaced with content on top of the message. It may also stay blank, taking away an opportunity to show something more than just a subject line to a recipient who is still deciding whether to open your email.


Keep it short

Preheader length varies depending on the OS, device, the length of the subject line, etc. Generally, it should be between 40-130 characters long. However, most mobile devices only display up to 55 characters

Don’t repeat yourself

Both the cold email subject line and the preheader will be displayed side by side. Use this space to tell more about the email and intrigue the recipient. 

Continue the subject line idea

One email, one goal. If your subject line is about inviting the recipient to a conference, your preheader should confirm it, not introduce a completely different offer.

Insert a call-to-open

Make sure both your cold email subject line and preheader engage the prospect to open an email.

Element 4. Greeting

Greetings set the tone for further communication, so never omit them in your cold emails. To write professional greetings, consider the following: 

Consider the relationship with recipients

Know your audience. If your prospects are old-school business people, they will hardly appreciate familiarity. At the same time, professionals in their 20s can be bored into inaction by a “Dear Sir or Madam.”

Don’t use gendered language

Banned by top firms, gendered salutations like “Dear Sirs” can be petty, exclusive, and offensive. Besides, they show you didn’t do your research. The gender-neutral language will let you come across as polite and avoid any mishaps in addressing the prospect. 

Personalize your greeting

While this shouldn’t be the only personalized element of your email, mentioning the recipient’s name in the very beginning will show them that you know who you’re talking to. But do double-check the name of the person you’re addressing not to pay for a tiny mistake with a good potential client gone.

Don’t use exclamations

Too many exclamations might come across as overwhelming. It’s better to use one in your email body instead of the greeting. 

Best greeting ideas

It’s impossible to choose the actual best greeting that will suit any person in any position. So have a look at the table of the most popular greetings and select one that suits your cold email best. 


Element 5. Introduction

The introduction is the opening part of a cold email where you set the tone for the rest of the message. Here are some tips on how to make your introduction irresistible and encourage your addressee to read further:

Focus on engaging your reader

Keep your cold email introduction short, around 2-3 sentences, and avoid introducing yourself or your company right away. Instead, focus on engaging the recipient by showing genuine interest in their achievements, expertise or work without overdoing it. For example:

  • I came across your profile and was impressed by your expertise in [Relevant field]. As a fellow professional in the industry, I admire your achievements and the impact you’ve made.
  • Congratulations on [Recent achievement or milestone]! As someone who follows [Their industry or work], I’m inspired by your dedication to [Related skill or industry].

You can also say a few good words about their website, blog post you’ve read recently, or their speech at an industry event. A personalized touch can really make a difference, resulting in 29% higher open rate and 41% higher click-through rate.

Mention a problem you can solve

Consider mentioning a problem or pain point they might be facing that your product or service can solve. This shows that you understand their needs and establishes relevance from the start. For example:

  • I’m reaching out because I specialize in [Related skill or industry], and I’ve worked with other professionals in your field to help them overcome [Related problem or challenge]. I was wondering if you’ve ever encountered a similar challenge and if you’d be open to chatting about it sometime this week.
  • I noticed that [Mention a specific problem or pain point they might be experiencing]. With [Your company], you can overcome these challenges and unlock new opportunities for growth and success. I’d love to share more insights tailored to your specific needs.

Crucially, personalizing the introduction with the recipient’s name and customizing the content based on their specific industry or pain points are secret ingredients making a strong impact.

Establish credibility and relevance

To further engage the recipient and demonstrate your expertise, establish credibility and relevance early on. Mention a relevant accomplishment, case study, or successful customer result that showcases your ability to deliver value. This helps build trust and positions you as a credible solution provider. For example:

  • As someone who has helped businesses like yours achieve significant results, I wanted to share how our innovative solutions have driven [Specific outcome or benefit] for companies similar to yours. I believe we can help you achieve similar success.

By highlighting a relevant achievement or outcome, you showcase your expertise and align your offering with the recipient’s goals or challenges. This can increase the likelihood of them continuing to read your email.

Element 6: Pitch 

The pitch is the central part of the cold email where you present your value proposition and explain how your offering can address the recipient’s challenges or goals. A perfect pitch should answer these questions:

  • What does your product offer? 
  • How will the prospect benefit from your product? 
  • How are you different from others?

Our tips below will help you answer these questions the best way possible and craft a solid pitch.

Focus on benefits, not features

Building trust and providing value should be the primary focus of your cold email.

Highlight the unique benefits and features of your solution, but avoid overwhelming the recipient with too much information. Instead, focus on showcasing the most compelling reasons why they should consider your product or service. 

Avoid sounding salesy in your cold email 

Be informative, not pushy. Instead of bombarding the recipient with sales pitches or aggressive language, provide valuable information or insights related to their industry or pain points. Offer a solution or share relevant resources without explicitly pushing for a sale. 

And, for God’s sake! – avoid using overly formal or corporate language that can create a salesy impression. Imagine you are having a friendly conversation with your reader instead. Try to use clear and persuasive language to convey the value you can bring to their specific situation. 

Provide social proof

Include testimonials, case studies, or success stories from satisfied customers to demonstrate credibility and build trust. Let your recipient see the real-world impact of your product or service, rather than perceiving it as a sales pitch.

Keep it concise and to the point 

The best cold email length is between 50 and 125 words. Our advice is to make your emails a one-minute read. Try to stick to email marketing statistics and don’t make your copy longer than 250 words. In addition, you can conduct an A/B test to find out what email length works for you. 

Add a bit of color

Every color has its influence on people, calls them to do a certain action, and evokes feelings. Learn the psychology of colors in email marketing and design emails like a pro. You can use:

  • yellow and orange to provide a sense of cheapness;
  • green to soothe readers;
  • or purple to create a sense of luxury and creativity.

On the other hand, too many colors look like a mess; two are enough: one color – for the text itself (or the background) and another one  – for the CTA to attract attention to the most important spot of the text. 

Emdil drips

Element 7: Call-to-action

Call-to-action (CTA) is a word or a word combination used to create an immediate response. As a rule, this significant part of an email is placed in the end. It provokes readers to click on it and, as a result, get what they want. Some of the examples include “Click here,” “Buy now,” and “Subscribe.” 

Here are a few tips for creating an effective CTA:

Write one CTA, not many at once

Two or more CTAs drive the recipients from the main goal, confuse them, and make them less eager to click. Emails with a single CTA can increase clicks by 371% and sales by 1,617%.

Keep it short

To write “Subscribe now. Read more. Download for free” in one CTA button isn’t the best idea, as it will be either extremely large or unreadable because of the small font.

Make it stand out

Make the CTA visible and easy to read and click by using large fonts. Experiment with colors: if the whole email is in blue, then use red for CTA. It will stand out and attract readers’ attention. 

Address a recipient in the 1-st person

By changing a CTA to a first-person viewpoint, using “my” instead of “your,” the CTA becomes more personalized and engages the reader on a deeper level, for example:

  • Original CTA: “Get Your Free Trial Now”
  • Updated CTA: “Get My Free Trial Now”

This change can lead to a significant improvement in clicks by 90%. This means that updated CTA resonates better with the audience, leading to a higher click-through rate and increased engagement.

Create a sense of urgency

Persuade the prospects to click right now, not in a day or two.

 Use the rounded CTA button with italicized text

The rounded button won’t improve the CTR but can reduce the unsubscribe rate by 25%.

Provide a specific date and time

Providing a specific date and time in a CTA adds clarity and urgency to your request, making it easier for the recipient to take action.

  • Would you be open to a brief call tomorrow at 11 A.M. to discuss how [Your tool] can benefit your organization? 
  • I have availability on [Specific date and time options]. Please let me know which option works best for you or if you have an alternative time in mind.

By providing specific date and time options, you demonstrate your willingness to accommodate the recipient’s schedule, increasing the chances of a positive outcome.

Provide a calendar link

By providing a calendar link, you make it easy for the recipient to schedule the call at their preferred date and time. This approach eliminates back-and-forth communication for scheduling, making it more likely for the recipient to engage and move forward with the call. For example:

  • Let’s catch up for a 15-minute call to delve into the details. Simply click the link below to access my calendar and choose a slot that suits your schedule: [Insert your calendar link here].
Email verifier

Element 9. Sign-off

Sign-off (or you can call it simply a farewell) is the conclusion of an email. This particular piece of any message bears and expresses the desire for further seeing, cooperation, and gratitude. 

According to HuffPost, the most popular sign-offs are:

  •  Thanks (62%)
  •  Name or initials (46%) 
  • Sincerely (44%) 
  • Love (28%) 
  • Regards (22%). 

The most annoying sign-off is “peace” (21%). 

Look through the list of sign-offs you can use for your cold email. Choose any of them with definite recipients in mind.


Here are some tips for writing the best sign-off:

Stay professional

Mince the words. Think about whether you would be happy to see “CU soon” in the sign-off from a business partner or a subscriber. Write the words you believe to be professional and avoid colloquialisms, slang, and taboos. 

Avoid caps and exclamation marks

They convey the idea of being shouted at. 

Don’t use emojis

Though emojis in the subject line can increase the open rate, in the sign-off, they are out of place. They are unprofessional and informal. 

Element 8. Signature

An email signature is the closing part of an email that provides the recipient with your personal information: name, business phone number, email address, website URL, or social network links. More than half of marketers use a signature in their emails (52%). 

Tips for writing a prominent signature:

Keep colors simple

The simpler, the better. No cacophony of colors.

Stick to 7 lines

Fewer lines won’t provide the prospects with full information about you. More lines will be too cluttered. 

Add your photo

Emails with photo signatures gain 32% more replies than those without them as they prove you are a reliable person.

Provide your company information

The company name and website are enough.

Include social network icons

Prove to your recipient that you are a real person with personal pages (or, what is even better, with working professional pages).

Include a link to Google Maps

Including a Google Maps link in your cold email signature minimizes confusion and increases the likelihood of successful interactions or visits to your business.

By offering a convenient way to find your business, you enhance the overall customer experience. Whether it’s for a meeting, visiting your office, or attending an event, providing a Google Maps link ensures recipients have all the necessary information to reach you hassle-free.

Include a link to reserve a meeting time

Including a time reservation link in your email signature demonstrates professionalism and shows that you value your prospect’s time and are proactive in streamlining the meeting scheduling process.

It’s essential to regularly update your email signature to feature different products or promotions, keeping it fresh and relevant. By leveraging your email signature effectively, you can leverage every email interaction to drive conversions.

Make sure the recipients have the opportunity to not get any emails from you in case the email doesn’t correspond to their needs. Not giving subscribers a way to opt out is guaranteed to land the sender on the spam list very fast. 

Tips to make a good unsubscribe link/button:

Use a clear language

Ensure your unsubscribe button or link is not confusing or difficult to understand. Doing so can be a CAN-SPAM violation.

Don’t hide an option to unsubscribe

Your unsubscribe button or link should be visible to email recipients. As a rule, it is located in the email footer and contains a clearly visible hyperlink.

Unsubscribe link

Don’t ask to log in to unsubscribe

Unsubscription should be easy – one to two simple clicks away. It is unprofessional to ask email recipients to log in and, this way, gate the unsubscription process.

Element 11. Attachments

It is not a necessary element of a cold email. However, if you need one, make sure you’re doing it the right way. 


Attaching a video in an email can increase CTR by up to 300%. Using videos, you can easily attract prospects, catch their attention, and gain respect. With visual support, people will grasp the information much faster. 

You can either attach them or paste a link in the email body. In both cases, it will be displayed correctly. Other ways out are a GIF, a picture with a link to your YouTube channel, or a cinemagraph. 


Pictures can be used as an alternative to videos. The advantages of images are simple: a human brain conceives visual information 60,000 times faster than a textual one, and it makes plain text look better.

But pictures can make you lose: some ESPs don’t display them by default, and spam filters may activate if you use too many images. It’s up to you whether to insert pictures, but if you’ve made up your mind to use them, these pieces of advice might come in handy:

  • don’t attach too many images; one is enough;
  • be ready with a fallback text in case the image doesn’t display in the recipients’ ESP;
  • create your own images for the email campaign (you can try such free services as Canva or Crello).

Links are an easy way to improve CTR and increase your cold email conversion rates. This is why every marketer should include them in their emails. Using links, you push customers to click on them, go to your website, and make a deal. 

But don’t think that lots of links in the text will lead you directly to success. The more links you insert into the cold email, the higher the chance the email will land in the Spam folder instead of inbox, and the more suspicious the email is to ESP.

Cold email examples and templates

Now that you have a comprehensive guide on writing cold emails and a wealth of tips for each element, you’re well-equipped to craft perfect emails and launch highly effective cold email campaigns. These campaigns have the power to boost your sales and revenue significantly. 

However, if you feel you need more information, we invite you to explore our extensive collection of cold email examples and templates. Additionally, you can visit’s template library for even more resources. 

Best practices for cold emails 

We’ve gathered valuable statistical data that reveal important factors influencing the success of a cold email campaign. Additionally, we reached out to B2B sales and marketing experts, who generously shared their real-life stories of highly successful cold email campaigns. These campaigns achieved remarkable open, click-through, and response rates.

Wondering how they did it and what contributed most to their outstanding results? We’ve compiled practical tips based on their experiences that you can readily grab and implement in your own cold email campaign.

Cold email length

Exciting findings indicate that the sweet spot for email length falls between 50 and 125 words. Emails within this range boasted a response rate surpassing 50%. Another remarkable study revealed that emails containing around 20 lines of text, or some 200 words, achieved the highest click-through rates.

The length and formatting of the cold emails were indeed a crucial aspect of our campaign’s success. We found that concise, clear, and well-structured emails, typically around 100-150 words, received the most engagement. This length was sufficient to communicate our message without overwhelming the recipient, promoting readability and engagement.

Johannes Larsson, Founder & CEO at Financer

Including visuals, links, and video

Including videos in emails can boost click-through rates by 300%.

Email click-through rates improve by 200% when interactive elements are added.

Including a referral in your email can increase your response rate by 50%

We included videos and links throughout the email cadence. Videos should appear only after the third or fourth email. If they’re too early in the cadence, then it will negatively affect the deliverability of your email (if it goes to the recipient’s inbox or if it goes to their spam). Links are good as most tools allow you to measure how often people click on them in your email; then, you can prioritize those contacts consuming more of your content.

Michael Filippo, Head of International Sales at Revelo

Cold email follow-up

Sending follow-up emails can increase response rates by 65.8%.

Sending personalized follow-up emails can increase response rates by up to 28%. 

80% of sales require at least 5 follow-up emails after the initial contact. 

I always follow up with at least 2-3 emails unless the recipient gives up on the start. Different emails with different angles, different offers, different CTAs. If you’re sending multiple emails, you always have to be able to offer more than what can be said in a single email.

Michael Maximoff, Co-Founder and Managing Partner at Belkins

Sending your first cold email campaign

As you explore available mailing services, you’ll find a range of free and paid tools to choose from. These tools offer handy features like open rate and link click tracking. We’ve even prepared a brief comparison of the most popular drip mailing tools. However, we trust that you’ll ultimately make the right choice and kick off your cold email campaign with

To make the process crystal clear, we’ve put together a step-by-step Guide to Drip Campaigns. Trust us, it’s simpler than you think.

So go ahead, seize the moment, and let be your partner in launching a successful cold email campaign. Exciting possibilities await!

Wrapping up

After diving into our comprehensive guide, you’ve leveled up as a professional cold email marketer. With newfound expertise, you’re now equipped to craft the most compelling subject lines that skyrocket your open rates, greet recipients in a polished and professional manner, incorporate high-performing CTAs that boost click-through rates, bid a farewell that leaves a lasting impression, and create the ultimate email signature.

But if you’re looking to streamline and automate your email-sending process, look no further than email drip campaigns. These powerful tools will handle your email automation needs with enviable ease. Let take care of the heavy lifting while you sit back and enjoy the seamless automation experience.