Categories: Sales Copies

Best Sales Email Templates For Your Next Great Deal

As a sales rep, you likely know that in today’s digital flux, every fruitful engagement (and whole sales process!) starts with an email. A well-crafted, thoughtful one. It’s the first nod, the icebreaker, and the starting point that reveals your offerings’ unique benefits.

But you must also be aware that sales emails are often left in the shadows, with a meager 34% open rate across all industries. 

Sadly, the prospects miss out on understanding your offerings and realizing the growth your services promise. They lack the warm-up, the introduction to what you bring to the table.

So, pause for a moment before hitting that send button. Check out what we here at have prepared for you: a selection of our best sales email templates and email examples designed to be opened, considered and replied to, all aiming for the ultimate goal—a successful sale.

Your sales team can customize these templates to their needs and use them to create email sequences with unlimited follow-ups to attract cold leads and convert prospects.

Sales email best practices

When it comes to initiating a sales conversation via email, the introduction email sets the stage for success. Here are some hints for improvement if you want to get a response:

Start by introducing yourself 

Never assume your prospect knows anything about you or your company. Keep this introduction short and sweet, concise but informative. Include your name, title, and the name of your company. This initial connection provides context and builds trust from the outset.

Keep it short and to the point

Lengthy emails can overwhelm your prospects and lead to them ignoring your message. Keep it simple. Show them you’re genuinely interested in their problem, provide a brief overview of your value proposition, and guide them toward further information or action.

Focus on the subject lines

The subject line is your email’s first impression, so make it count. Research shows that 47% of email recipients decide whether to open an email, and 69% report email as spam based on the subject lines alone! So, avoid generic subject lines and aim for something compelling and relevant to your message. 

Include a clear CTA

Don’t leave your prospects guessing about the next steps. Clearly state what you want them to do. Whether it’s responding to an email, scheduling a call, or taking another specific action, a well-defined call to action guides your prospects and helps them understand their role in the conversation. 

By the way, even a subject line can include a CTA. It should!

A/B test for optimization

Experiment with different subject lines, opening sentences, or CTAs to see what resonates best with your target audience. By analyzing the results, you can refine your approach and maximize engagement.

Follow up strategically

No response to your initial email doesn’t necessarily mean disinterest. Several factors could be at play. Your recipients might not have seen the email, you might not have targeted an appropriate person, or they might need more explanation (especially in B2B sales) or incentive to take action. 

Make sure to follow up at least two or three times. Each follow-up should be considerate and provide additional value or insights to move the conversation forward.

These are the basics. Ready to explore the craft of composing emails that command attention and spark dialogues? Grab some free templates we’ve already prepared for you and customize them to the needs of your business.

Engaging sales email templates and examples

Let’s start with prospecting emails as a crucial step in reaching potential customers and sparking their interest. 

Prospecting emails to capture the prospects’ attention

This type of email is a crucial step in cold email outreach as it serves as the first touchpoint, where you aim to grab the prospect’s attention and leave a lasting impression. In this section, you’ll find various prospecting email templates and examples designed to help you make that all-important first connection – to break the ice and pave the way for productive sales conversations.

#1. Introductory sales email template for B2B

The message that introduces your offerings and sets the stage for a meaningful dialogue.

Subject line: Emerging opportunities with [Your Product/Service]Hi [Prospect’s First Name],

I came across your profile on social media and was impressed by your achievements in [Prospect’s Industry]. I wanted to introduce you to [Your Product/Service]—a solution designed to help professionals like you take their [Specific Goal] to the next level.

Our clients have experienced [Impressive Statistic or Result], and I’d love to discuss how we can do the same for you. Are you available for a quick chat this week to explore this potential?

Warm regards,

[Your Name]

[Your Title]

[Your Company Name]

[Your Contact Information]

Why it works:

This email kicks off with a friendly nod to your prospect’s impressive achievements, which shows you’ve done your homework and genuinely care. It then introduces your product as something that could click with their needs, emphasizing the benefits other clients have experienced. The call to action to schedule a call makes it easy for them to jump into action.

#2. Free trial sales email template for B2B

This email invites prospects to a risk-free trial, highlighting product benefits and encouraging exploration and engagement with your service or product.

Subject line: Transform Your [Prospect’s Specific Problem] with [Your Software]

Hi [Prospect’s First Name],

Your recent post on [Social Media Channel] about finding the ideal [Product/Service] caught my attention. Making the right choice is crucial, and [Your Product/Service] can help with:

  • [Benefit/Feature 1]
  • [Benefit/Feature 2]
  • [Benefit/Feature 3]

To get a real feel for these benefits, why not try our free trial that provides valuable insights into [XYZ]? Would you like to give it a try?  

[Demo Request Button]

Looking forward to helping you find the perfect solution.


[Your Name]

[Your Title]

[Your Company Name]

[Your Contact Information]

Why it works:

This introductory sales email template begins with a personalized greeting, sparking curiosity with a question about the prospect’s future plans related to their specific problem. It gently nudges them towards a chat about possible solutions that could spark their interest, setting the stage for a conversation that could lead to something great.

#3. Demo email template

This is a concise and friendly message inviting prospects to explore a live demonstration of your product or service, showcasing its features and benefits in real time.

Subject line: Discover [Your Product/Service] – Your Solution to [Prospect’s Problem]

Hi [Prospect’s First Name],

Exciting times ahead! I thought you might be interested in a powerful solution designed to address your challenges with [Prospect’s Pain Point].

Our [Product/Service] has been instrumental in enhancing [Specific Goal, e.g., efficiency, productivity, ROI] for businesses like yours. I’d love to offer you a personalized demonstration to show you exactly how [Prospect’s Business] can benefit from it. During the demo, we’ll cover:

  • Key features and how they work in action.
  • Real-world use cases and success stories.
  • Customization options to meet your unique requirements.

To schedule a convenient time for the demo, simply reply to this email or use the scheduling link below:

[Insert Scheduling Link]

If you have any questions or need more information, feel free to reach out.

Best regards,

[Your Name]

[Your Title]

[Your Company]

[Your Contact Information]

Why it works:

This sales email template is inviting and directly addresses the prospect’s pain point, enhancing the relevance of the offer. It lays out what your demo’s all about in an easy-to-digest manner, and the easy scheduling option makes it more likely for the prospect to hop on board.

#4. The Problem Solver cold email

Crafted for immediate impact, the Problem Solver template cuts through the noise by directly addressing the unique challenges and needs of your prospect, offering a tailored solution with a clear, compelling call to action.

Subject line: Revolutionize Your [Prospect’s Industry] Strategy with [Your Product/Service]

Hi [Prospect’s First Name],

I’m reaching out from [Your Company] specializing in [Your Industry or Niche]. We’ve successfully assisted companies in [Prospect’s Industry] to [Specific Benefit, e.g., boost revenue, streamline operations]. 

I noticed your focus on [Relevant Topic or Challenge]. Our solution is designed to [Key Benefits], and I believe it could make a significant impact on your [Prospect’s Company or Department].

Let’s discuss how [Your Product/Service] can benefit your business. How about a 15-minute call? Are you available on [Date and Time], or would another time be more convenient for you? Let me know, and I’ll arrange everything.

Looking forward to the possibility of assisting your business, [Prospect’s First Name].


[Your Name]

[Your Title]

[Your Company]

[Your Contact Information]

Why it works:

This email gets straight to the point, talking about what matters most to the prospect in their industry or field. It offers a simple next move: a short call to discuss specific needs. Plus, it provides flexibility by suggesting date and time options for the call, simplifying the prospect’s response process. 

#5. Browsing history email template

This template leverages insights from the prospect’s online behavior to tailor a personalized message that resonates.

Subject line: Custom Solutions for Your [Topic/Product Interest]

Hi [Prospect’s First Name],

I noticed your recent interest in [Topic or Product], and it’s exciting to see you’re exploring new strategies for [Goal or Challenge].

At [Your Company Name], we specialize in [Expertise] and have helped numerous businesses like yours achieve [Desirable Outcome, e.g., enhanced efficiency, increased market reach]. 

I’d be happy to discuss how you can benefit from our tailored solutions. Could we set aside a few minutes for a chat? When would be a convenient time for you?

Warm regards,

[Your Name]

[Your Title]

[Your Company]

[Your Contact Information]

Why it works:

Right off the bat, this email shows it’s in tune with what the prospect has been looking into lately, which makes it highly relevant. It highlights the company’s specialization and its track record of helping similar businesses achieve positive outcomes. Then it smoothly invites the prospect for a casual chat, paving the way for more good stuff to follow.

#6. “It was nice talking to you” email template

A follow-up message after an initial (mostly in person) conversation, reinforcing your interest and commitment to their needs.

Subject line: Our conversation and next steps

Hi [Prospect’s First Name],

It was truly a pleasure speaking with you [Date and Place]. I wanted to thank you for your time and the insightful discussion we had about [Topic of Conversation].

As a follow-up, I’ve summarized some key points from our conversation and outlined the next steps we can take to [Goal or Outcome]. Please let me know your thoughts or if you have any questions. I’m here to assist you in any way possible.

Best regards,

[Your Name]

[Your Title]

[Your Company]

[Your Contact Information]

Why it works:

This email acknowledges the recent conversation, expressing gratitude and professionalism. Summarizing key discussion points and proposing the next steps shows commitment and adds clarity to the prospect’s journey. The offer of assistance and open-ended questions encourage further engagement.

#7. Referral email template

This template capitalizes on the trust and credibility of a mutual contact to facilitate a connection with the prospect, suggesting an opportunity for collaboration and encouraging an exploratory conversation.

Subject line: [Mutual Contact’s Name] recommends we connect

Hi [Prospect’s First Name],

I recently had a conversation with [Mutual Contact’s Name], who spoke highly of your work in [Prospect’s Industry or Expertise]. They suggested that we should connect, particularly regarding potential collaboration.

I’m eager to learn about your goals and discuss how we might work together. When are you available for a brief call to discuss this further?

Best wishes,

[Your Name]

[Your Title]

[Your Company]

[Your Contact Information]

Why it works:

This email leverages the mutual connection’s recommendation, establishing trust and credibility from the outset. It expresses interest in exploring opportunities and suggests a brief chat, making it easy for the prospect to engage.

#8. The value-offering pitch cold sales email

This email template focuses on presenting a compelling value proposition right from the start. It aims to immediately grab the prospect’s attention by showcasing the unique benefits and solutions your product or service can provide, enticing them to learn more.

Subject line: Unlocking [Key Benefit] for [Prospect’s Company]

Hi [Prospect’s First Name],

At [Your Company], we’ve been helping companies like [Prospect’s Company] achieve remarkable results. For instance, one of our recent clients saw a 200% increase in ROI after implementing [Your Product/Service].

We believe we can provide similar value to [Prospect’s Company] by [Benefit]. Here are some highlights of what we offer:

  • [Benefit 1]: Detailing a significant advantage or feature.
  • [Benefit 2]: Emphasizing another crucial aspect.
  • [Benefit 3]: Mentioning one more key benefit.

I’d love to schedule a brief call or meeting to discuss how [Your Company] can tailor our solution to fit the unique needs of [Prospect’s Company]. Our expertise in [Relevant Industry or Sector] makes us confident that we can help you achieve outstanding results.

When would be a convenient time for you to connect next week? Please let me know, and I’ll make sure to arrange everything accordingly.

Looking forward to the possibility of a thriving partnership, [Prospect’s First Name]. Let’s see how we can take [Prospect’s Company] to new heights together.


[Your Name]

[Your Title]

[Your Company]

[Your Contact Information]

Why it works:

In a world where inboxes are flooded with generic sales emails, the value-offering pitch email template stands out because it’s customer-centric. It’s not about what you’re selling but what the prospect gains. That’s why it’s worth trying – it’s a formula for meaningful conversations that can lead to valuable relationships and, ultimately, successful sales. 

#9. Event invitation email template

Invite prospects to attend a relevant industry event, webinar, or workshop. This approach not only provides value but also offers an opportunity to connect with them during the event.

Subject line: [Prospect’s First Name], join us at [Event Name]!

Hi [Prospect’s First Name],

We’re excited to invite you to an upcoming event that we believe aligns perfectly with your interests and expertise: [Event Name].

This event will feature [Key Highlights or Topics]. It’s a great opportunity to connect with industry leaders and gain valuable insights. We’d love to have you join us. Can we reserve a spot for you?

Best regards,

[Your Name]

[Your Title]

[Your Company]

[Your Contact Information]

Why it works:

This email opens with a friendly greeting and extends a personalized invitation to an industry-relevant event. It succinctly outlines the event’s key highlights and potential benefits, effectively enticing the prospect. The direct question about reserving a spot encourages a prompt response, facilitating further interaction and engagement.

#10. Case study email template

Share a success story or case study that showcases how your product or service has benefited similar businesses. Real-world examples can demonstrate the value you can provide.

Subject line: See How [Client Name] Transformed Their Business with [Your Product/Service]

Hi [Prospect’s First Name],

Don’t you mind if I share an inspiring success story with you? Our client, [Client Name], faced a challenge similar to yours—[Challenge or Pain Point].

Through our partnership, [Client Name] achieved [Impressive Result or Outcome], demonstrating the transformative power of [Your Product/Service]. I’d love to discuss how we can replicate this success for your business. When can we connect for a conversation?

Warm regards,

[Your Name]

[Your Title]

[Your Company]

[Your Contact Information]

Why it works:

This email captures the prospect’s attention by highlighting a real success story related to their industry or pain point. It showcases the potential benefits of the product/service and invites the prospect to discuss their own potential for success.

#11. Content engagement email template

Send prospects valuable content such as blog posts, eBooks, or whitepapers related to their industry or pain points. This approach positions you as a knowledgeable resource.

Subject line: Valuable resources for your [Prospect’s Industry] challenges

Hi [Name],

We’ve been curating valuable content tailored to professionals in [prospect’s industry]. Our latest resources address key challenges you might be facing.

Would you be interested in receiving articles, eBooks, or guides related to [mention the content topics]? It’s a great way to stay updated and gain insights. Let me know your preferences, and I’ll ensure you receive the most relevant content.

Best regards,

[Your Name]

[Your Title]

[Your Company]

[Your Contact Information]

Why it works:

This email offers valuable content tailored to the prospect’s industry and challenges, positioning the sender as a knowledgeable resource. The open-ended question about content preferences encourages engagement and interaction.

#12. Reconnect email template

If a prospect has gone silent or not responded to previous emails, a polite reconnect email can rekindle the conversation. Express your continued interest and inquire if they have any questions or concerns.

Subject line: Let’s continue our productive talk!

Hi [Prospect’s First Name],

I realized it’s been a while since we last spoke, and I wanted to check in to see how things are going with [Relevant Topic or Project].

If you have any questions or if there’s anything more you’d like to explore regarding [Previous Topic of Discussion or Offer], please feel free to let me know. I’m here to assist you in any way I can.

Looking forward to continuing our conversation,

Best regards,

[Your Name]

[Your Title]

[Your Company]

[Your Contact Information]

Why it works:

This email effectively re-establishes contact with a prospect in an unobtrusive manner. It shows genuine concern for their progress and reiterates your willingness to assist, thus encouraging the prospect to re-engage in a conversation.

Sales email templates for new clients based on formulas

Specific formulas offer structured approaches to crafting sales emails that address various aspects of the sales process, from capturing attention to addressing needs and prompting action. You can use these well-known in the sales world structures as a foundation to create effective email templates for new clients.

#13. Before • After • Bridge (BAB)

The formula involves three key components:

  • Before: Describe the prospect’s current situation or problem. You articulate the pain points or issues they may be facing. This step is crucial for connecting with the prospect on a personal level and showing that you understand their specific situation.
  • After: Here, you present your product/service as the solution to the problem. You outline the positive outcomes, benefits, or improvements prospects can expect once they use your offering. This step focuses on painting a vivid picture of a better future.
  • Bridge: This transition between the “Before” and “After” phases explains how your product or service serves as the bridge that takes the prospect from their current challenging situation (Before) to the desired, improved state (After). It often includes a clear call to action (CTA) that guides the prospect on the next steps.

Subject line: Transform your [Specific Challenge] today

Hi [Prospect’s First Name],

[Before: Describe the problem or challenge your prospect might be facing. Explain the pain points and difficulties associated with the problem.]

[After: Present your solution and how it addresses the challenge. Highlight the benefits and positive outcomes your solution offers.]

[Bridge: Connect the “Before” and “After” by explaining how your product or service bridges the gap. Provide a clear call to action – schedule a call, request a demo, download a resource.]

Looking forward to discussing how our company can help you achieve [Specific Desired Outcome].

Best regards,

[Your Name]

[Your Title]

[Your Company]

[Your Contact Information]

Why it works:

The “Before-After-Bridge” sales email template directly addresses the specific challenges or pain points the prospect may be facing and focuses on presenting a tailored solution. This template is customizable, adapting to the unique benefits of your product or service across various industries and situations.

#14. Question • Value Proposition • Call to Action (QVC)

The QVC formula follows a structured sequence:

  • Question: Begin the email with a carefully crafted question that captures the prospect’s attention, piques their curiosity, or makes them reflect on a specific pain point or challenge they might be facing. This question serves as the hook to draw them into the conversation.
  • Value Proposition: Present a compelling value proposition immediately after the question. Clearly and concisely communicate the unique benefits or advantages of your product or service. Explain how your offering can address the prospect’s needs, solve their problems, or provide value to their business.
  • Call to Action (CTA): Conclude the email with a strong and specific call to action that instructs the prospect on the next steps they should take. Whether it’s replying to the email, scheduling a call, requesting a demo, or any other desired action, the CTA aims to prompt immediate engagement and move the prospect further along the sales funnel.

Subject: [Compelling Question]

Hi [Name],

[Question: Craft a captivating question that resonates with the prospect’s pain points or challenges.]

[Value Proposition: Present your unique benefits and advantages, explaining how your offering can address their needs.]

[Call to Action: Provide a clear and specific CTA, such as scheduling a call, requesting a demo, or taking the desired action.]

I look forward to helping you achieve [Specific Desired Outcome].

Best regards,

[Your Name]

[Your Title]

[Your Company]

[Your Contact Information]

Why it works:

The QVC sales email template immediately grabs the prospect’s attention with a thought-provoking question. It then proceeds to engage the prospect with a compelling value proposition, clearly outlining the benefits of your solution. The strong and specific call to action guides the prospect towards taking immediate steps, increasing the chances of conversion. 

#15. Attention • Interest • Desire • Action (AIDA)

The AIDA formula is a classic approach that guides prospects through a sequence:

  • Attention: Begin with a compelling hook or statement to grab the prospect’s attention.
  • Interest: Build interest by highlighting a problem or need they may have.
  • Desire: Create desire by explaining how your product or service can address their needs or pain points.
  • Action: End with a clear call to action (CTA) that prompts them to take the next step.

Subject: Capture more leads than ever with [Your Solution]

Hi [Prospect’s First Name],

Are you struggling to generate enough leads for your business?

Imagine a solution that not only captures more leads but also converts them into loyal customers effortlessly.

Discover how [Your Solution] can help you achieve these results:

  • [Highlight a key feature or advantage]
  • [Explain how it benefits the prospect]
  • [End with a clear CTA, such as scheduling a demo]

Don’t miss out on this opportunity to supercharge your lead-generation efforts!

Best regards,

[Your Name]

[Your Title]

[Your Company]

[Your Contact Information]

Why it works:

The AIDA sales email template follows a proven sequence to engage prospects’ attention, build interest in your solution, create a desire for its benefits, and prompt immediate action. It’s an effective way to guide prospects through the sales funnel.

#16. Problem Agitate Solve (PAS)

The PAS formula focuses on addressing prospects’ problems systematically:

  • Problem: Start by identifying a specific problem or challenge your prospect may be facing.
  • Agitate: Agitate the problem by explaining its consequences or pain points.
  • Solution: Present your product or service as the solution to their problem.

Subject: Solve Your [Specific Problem] with [Your Solution]

Hi [Prospect’s First  Name],

Are you tired of struggling with [Specific Problem] and its frustrating consequences? We’ve got a remedy.

Imagine a solution that can alleviate these challenges and transform your [Relevant Aspect] for the better.

  • [Highlight the problem or challenge]
  • [Agitate by describing its negative impact]
  • [Present your solution as the remedy]

Let’s discuss how [Your Solution] can make a significant difference in your [Specific Desired Outcome].

Best regards,

[Your Name]

[Your Title]

[Your Company]

[Your Contact Information]

Why it works:

The PAS sales email template addresses prospects’ problems, amplifies their pain points, and then provides a clear solution. It’s effective in showing empathy and offering a remedy for their challenges.

#17. Budget Authority Need Timing (BANT)

The BANT formula focuses on understanding prospects’ readiness:

  • Budget: Inquire about their budget or financial constraints.
  • Authority: Determine if the prospect has the authority to make purchasing decisions.
  • Need: Identify their specific needs or pain points.
  • Timing: Determine their timeline or urgency for addressing their needs.

Subject: [Prospect’s First Name], let’s discuss your [Specific Need]

Hi [Prospect’s First Name],

We’re eager to understand your current situation regarding [Specific Need] and explore how we can assist you effectively.

  • [Ask about their budget constraints or considerations]
  • [Inquire about their authority in making decisions]
  • [Discuss their specific needs and challenges]
  • [Determine their timeline or urgency]

Let’s schedule a quick call so that we can prepare a tailored solution for you.

Best regards,

[Your Name]

[Your Title]

[Your Company]

[Your Contact Information]

Why it works:

The BANT sales email template shows a genuine interest in understanding the prospect’s readiness to engage. It helps identify prospects who are more likely to convert, saving time and resources.

#18. Situation Problem Implication Need-Payoff (SPIN)

The SPIN formula is a consultative approach to uncovering needs:

  • Situation: Understand the prospect’s current situation or context.
  • Problem: Identify potential problems or challenges they face.
  • Implication: Discuss the implications or consequences of these problems.
  • Need-Payoff: Present your product or service as the solution with associated benefits.

Subject: It’s time to go beyond [Regular Approach] with [Your Solution]

Hi [Prospect’s First Name],

In our recent research, we noticed that businesses in [Prospect’s Industry] are often facing challenges related to [Common Industry Challenge].

  • [Discuss their situation or context]
  • [Highlight specific problems and potential implications]
  • [Present your solution and its benefits as the need-payoff]

Let’s schedule a conversation to explore how [Your Solution] can be tailored to address these challenges in [Prospect’s Company].

Best regards,

[Your Name]

[Your Title]

[Your Company]

[Your Contact Information]

Why it works:

The SPIN sales email template takes a consultative approach to address the prospect’s situation, problems, and needs, showing empathy and offering tailored solutions.

#19. Features Advantages Benefits (FAB)

The FAB formula focuses on highlighting product or service features:

  • Features: Highlight the key features of your product or service.
  • Advantages: Explain how these features translate into advantages.
  • Benefits: Describe the benefits the prospect will gain from using your product or service.

Subject: Unlock the benefits of [Your Product/Solution] today

Hi [Prospect’s First Name],

At [Your Company], we’re excited to introduce you to [Your Solution], a game-changer in [Relevant Industry]. Here’s why it stands out:

  • [Highlight key features of your solution]
  • [Explain how these features translate into advantages]
  • [Describe the benefits and outcomes they can expect]

Let’s explore how [Your Solution] can empower your [Specific Desired Outcome] during a brief discussion.

Best regards,

[Your Name]

[Your Title]

[Your Company]

[Your Contact Information]

Why it works:

The FAB sales email template effectively communicates the value of your product or service by showcasing its features, advantages, and benefits.

#20. Feel Felt Found (FFF)

The Feel-Felt-Found formula emphasizes empathy and shared experiences:

  • Feel: Acknowledge the prospect’s feelings or concerns.
  • Felt: Share a similar situation or story of someone who felt the same way.
  • Found: Explain what the person in the story “found” or discovered after taking a certain action.

Subject: Understanding Your Concerns – A Shared Experience

Hi [Prospect’s First Name],

I understand how [Prospect’s Pain Point] can be a source of concern. Many of our clients initially felt the same way when they encountered this challenge.

  • [Express empathy and understanding about their concerns]
  • [Share a brief story or example of someone who faced a similar situation and how they felt]
  • [Explain what this person “found” or achieved after taking action]

I’d love to discuss how we can help you navigate this and achieve similar results. Can we set up a time to chat?

Best regards,

[Your Name]

[Your Title]

[Your Company]

[Your Contact Information]

Why it works:

The Feel-Felt-Found sales email template builds rapport by acknowledging the prospect’s concerns, sharing relatable experiences, and offering solutions.

#21. Responsible Accountable Consulted Informed (RACI)

The RACI formula focuses on understanding roles and responsibilities in the prospect’s organization:

  • Responsible: Identify who is responsible for what in the prospect’s organization.
  • Accountable: Determine who is accountable for decisions and outcomes.
  • Consulted: Understand who needs to be consulted for input or advice.
  • Informed: Know who should be kept informed about the process.

Subject: Clarifying Roles and Responsibilities

Hi [Prospect’s First Name],

To ensure a smooth and effective collaboration, it’s essential to clarify roles and responsibilities. This helps us understand how we can best support your team’s goals.

  • [Discuss identifying roles and responsibilities]
  • [Explain the importance of accountability]
  • [Highlight the need for consultation and keeping relevant stakeholders informed]

Can we plan a brief conversation to align our efforts with your organization’s structure and objectives?

Best regards,

[Your Name]

[Your Title]

[Your Company]

[Your Contact Information]

Why it works:

The RACI sales email template demonstrates a commitment to understanding the prospect’s organizational dynamics, fostering transparency, and ensuring a tailored approach to collaboration.

Sales email templates for existing customers

Here, you can find a range of sales email templates tailored for your existing customers. The templates are designed to nurture and strengthen your relationships, upsell or cross-sell additional products or services, and maintain customer satisfaction. 

Your commitment to retaining these valued customers is as crucial as capturing their initial interest, and these templates are here to make it all seamless and rewarding.

#22. Introducing a new feature/service email template

The template shows how to effectively introduce your latest product feature or service update to your existing customers.

Subject: Enhancing Your Experience with [New Feature/Service]

Hi [Customer’s First Name],

We hope you’ve been enjoying your experience with [Your Company] and are committed to continually improving our services to meet your needs better. So, we’re excited to share some recent enhancements that we believe will further enhance your experience:

Introducing [New Feature/Service]: [Provide a brief description of the new feature or service and explain how it benefits the customer.]

Key Benefits:

  • [Benefit 1]: Describe the primary advantage or improvement.
  • [Benefit 2]: Highlight another valuable aspect.
  • [Benefit 3]: Mention one more key benefit.

We’re confident that [New Feature/Service] will provide added value to your [Specific Goal or Area of Interest]. To get started or learn more, simply click [CTA Button/Link] or contact our dedicated support team at [Support Email or Phone Number].

Your feedback is essential to us. If you have any thoughts or suggestions regarding [New Feature/Service] or any other aspect of our service, please don’t hesitate to share them. We’re here to listen and make your experience even better.

Thank you for being a valued customer, [Customer’s First Name]. We look forward to continuing to serve you and provide the best solutions for your [Specific Needs].


[Your Name]

[Your Title]

[Your Company]

[Your Contact Information]

Why it works:

This email template works best because it acknowledges the customer’s value, highlights a meaningful enhancement, communicates clear benefits, invites engagement, provides ease of action, and adds a personal touch. It’s customer-centric and fosters a sense of partnership, keeping existing customers engaged and informed about improvements.

#23. Exclusive offer email template

This email template offers exclusive deals and promotions to your loyal customers, driving engagement and increasing sales.

Subject: Exclusive Offer for Our Valued Customers

Hi [Customer’s First Name],

At [Your Company], we greatly value your ongoing partnership and trust in our products/services. As a token of our appreciation, we’re excited to offer you an exclusive opportunity.

For a limited time, you can [Exclusive Offer, e.g., upgrade to a premium plan, enjoy a discount, access new features]. We believe this will enhance your experience with [Your Product/Service] and bring even more value to your business.

If you’d like to take advantage of this offer or have any questions, please reach out – we’re here to assist you every step of the way.

Thank you for being our customer, [Customer’s First Name]. We look forward to continuing to support your success.

Best regards,

[Your Name]

[Your Title]

[Your Company]

[Your Contact Information]

Why it works:

This email template for existing customers is a treasure as it acknowledges the customer’s ongoing partnership, fostering a sense of appreciation. It presents an exclusive offer or opportunity, making the customer feel valued and special. 

It expresses gratitude for the customer’s trust and continued partnership, reinforcing a positive relationship. This creates personalized and appreciative communication that enhances the customer’s loyalty and encourages them to explore the exclusive offer, resulting in increased sales and customer satisfaction.

#24. Customer survey email template

This template is designed to gather valuable feedback from your existing customers, helping you gain insights into their satisfaction and preferences.

Subject: Your Opinion Matters: Help Us Improve [Product/Service]

Hi [Customer’s First Name],

We deeply value your feedback, as it plays a crucial role in enhancing our [Product/Service] to better meet your needs. We invite you to participate in a brief customer survey to share your thoughts and experiences with us.

Your insights will help us:

  • Understand your specific preferences and challenges.
  • Identify areas where we can improve [Product/Service].
  • Ensure that we continue to provide you with exceptional value.

By taking a few minutes to complete the survey, you’ll also be entered into a drawing for a chance to [Incentive].

Please click [Survey Link] to get started. Your input is invaluable to us, and we appreciate your contribution to our ongoing efforts to serve you better.

Thank you for being a valued customer, [Customer’s First Name]. We look forward to hearing from you.

Best regards,

[Your Name]

[Your Title]

[Your Company]

[Your Contact Information]

Why it works:

This email template engages customers by showing that their opinions matter. It encourages them to provide feedback, which can lead to product/service improvements that align with their preferences and needs. The incentive adds an extra layer of motivation.

Bottom line

The inbox is most often the first point of contact, so crafting cold emails, as well as follow-ups that stand out, is crucial. While the challenges of low open rates persist, our curated collection of sales email templates and examples may serve you as a pathway to lasting connections, a bridge to showcasing your unique offerings, and ultimately, a gateway to success in sales. 

So, take a moment to explore, adapt, and master the art of email communication because your next great sale might just be a combination of well-crafted emails with advanced email automation. And when it comes to top-tier email automation, has you covered.

Maryana Kushnir

Maryana Kushnir is a content marketing specialist at with over 15 years of experience in journalism and public relations. She gained marketing expertise in agencies and multinational companies, where she worked in various roles, from managing PR projects for clients to leading communications departments.

Maryana is also a seasoned researcher in sales automation, with a particular focus on email marketing and lead generation. She has a proven track record of helping businesses improve their sales processes and increase revenue through the use of cutting-edge sales automation tools.

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